Paintings from 2024

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Paintings from 2024




  Starting off 2024 with a commission! Wow!

I was asked to paint Mr Jingles, who is waiting at the Rainbow bridge since last December.

He belonged to a Scouting friend, and it was her sister who hired me.


This is him. What a beautiful cat! His eyes are very distinctive, and his coat is kind of a strawberry blonde color. The color was kind of hard to get to, as you'll see.


My initial painting of the eyes on Jan 16th, and applying a color that I thought was close.


As the painting progressed, I found myself a little frustrated that I just couldn't get the coloring right. This photo is titled by me as "driving me crazy" Ha ha. The one below is a day later, and I still didn't think that it was right. Plus, I got carried away with the ear hair!


So I covered it all over with a thin coat of a tan color, and the painting below shows what I did. I thought that it was getting closer to what I needed.

  Finally on Feb 5th, I was able to call it done, both to the client's & my satisfaction. Whew! LOL

  I hope that you enjoyed my 'behind the scenes' photos!  

Autumn Glory, an experiment in heavy texture

  In April, I then went back to painting a beloved pet. This is Cali, might be short for Calico

This was for a friend's DIL. Cali is waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for her favorite Human

  This is the photo that I worked from:

  And my rendition: I like how it turned out

  This is Bella, a commission by a friend.

Photo of Bella, and my rendition. Thanks, Ron!

  Finishing off 2024 with a commission! Thank you!  
  This is Mischief, who sadly went to wait at the Rainbow Bridge a couple of months ago.

To say that this cat has a lot of fur, is indeed an understatement.

Challenging to paint, that's for sure, and hopefully the client's Dad will love it.


The beginning, about 3 weeks ago, Nov 15th. Below is the finished one on Dec 6th, which is being picked up today, the 8th. Thanks, Avery!

Above is the reference photo.


  Below is an example of what I do with the stretched canvas, showing painting all the exposed outer & back canvas, and applying a hanging wire. This way, no frame is needed.


For the rest of the year, I may just paint some railway themed ones, and see if I can sell them, but we'll see. First up might be a re-do of a 2022 painting of a Hudson loco crossing the MCR bridge. The first one had a weird perspective. This is what I hope it will end up looking like:



Instead of this one. As it turned out, I never did any of this.

Maybe in 2025?